martha brook blog post tips for spring cleaning
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6 top tips for spring cleaning your workspace

Published 3 years ago. Estimated reading time: 5 minutes.

Mar 31

With brighter evenings and flowers in bud, what’s not to love about spring? This season is all about new beginnings and fresh starts, so let’s face it, it certainly wouldn’t be spring without a (well overdue, we might add) top to toe tidy up of your office. It’s time to say goodbye to that drawer filled with hundreds of half-used sticky notes and hello to a workspace that feels decluttered and organised. Stuck for where to start? Read on for our top tips for spring cleaning your workspace!

1. Get rid of clutter

Want to be well on your way to a neat and organised desk? First, and most importantly, get rid of any unnecessary clutter. We are all guilty of having that drawer of doom that’s overflowing with pens that don’t work, bits of paper and goodness knows what else. Now is the time to tackle it! Tip it all out and do the same with any other clutter-filled drawer or cupboard. Be brutal and set yourself some key rules. For example, if you haven’t used it in the last year, do you really need it?! (All those notebooks you haven’t used yet are staying though, obviously.)

martha brook blog post tips for spring cleaning mustard made baskets

2. Have a proper clean

Now you’ve decided what’s made the cut, don’t rush it pop it all back in place. Get those windows open to let some of that fresh spring air in, stick on some feel-good music and grab the duster or damp cloth. Dust gets in even the trickiest of places and having a nice clean-up of your drawers and shelves before you put everything back will make your workspace not only smell wonderful but feel it too!

martha brook blog post tips for spring cleaning tidy up

3. Give everything a home

No matter if you’re working from home or are back in the office, think about where you want your stationery and accessories to live. Forget those boring drawer trays and desk organisers and invest in some stylish storage solutions! These stunning baskets from Mustard Made make a great home for your stash of notebooks, life planners and desk pads. Not everything has to be hidden away though, for your desk why not treat yourself to one of our very own gold wire letter racks or perhaps a stylish pen pot to pop those pens and pencils in? Your desk will soon become the envy of your colleagues!

4. Have a digital declutter

Another one of our tips for spring cleaning your workspace is having a digital declutter. Is there anything more satisfying than having a clear laptop desktop or phone screen?! We think not! Decluttering your physical workspace is fantastic, but it doesn’t stop there. Whilst you’re in the mood for a spring clean, let’s take it to the digital level. Whether that’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone, go through each device and assess what you need to keep and what can be binned. A top tip is to check what apps you haven’t used in the last year on your phone (on an iPhone, go to Settings – General – iPhone Storage and you can see a list of your apps and the last used date). Why not delete these and free up some storage?! Once you’ve had a clear out, create some folders so you can organise those documents or apps that take an age to find! A total game changer!

martha brook blog post tips for spring cleaning digital declutter

5. Treat yourself to some new stationery

Now to our favourite part… once done all of the above tips for spring cleaning, you’ll be able to see what you’re running low of from your stationery stash! You may realise you’re coming to an end on your fave notebook, or your desk pad is running low. New paper goods are always brilliant for new beginnings, a fresh mindset and being your most productive self, so now you have an excuse for a stationery haul! Check out our favourite stationery for spring here.

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6. Add lovely finishing touches

And now for the really fun bit. Make your workspace your own by adding some lovely finishing touches. Whether that’s popping some flowers in a vase or creating a gallery wall in your office, filled with prints and pictures that bring you the utmost joy, or treating yourself to some new desk accessories to help keep your workspace tidy. After such an epic spring clean, you deserve it!

We hope you find these tips for spring cleaning your workspace useful, we can’t wait to get stuck into our own! Drop us a comment below with your own spring-cleaning tips or any organisational hacks that have made a big difference to you.

P.S. From delicate daisies to beautiful bees, our spring-inspired stationery will add a little sunshine to any desk! Shop the range here.

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