martha brook blog post 7 different ways to use a diary

7 different ways to use a diary

Published 1 year ago. Estimated reading time: 5 minutes.

Sep 7

There’s nothing like that fresh, crisp new diary feeling. As a new year approaches the horizon, it’s the perfect time of year to start thinking about getting a new 2024 diary so you can start to pencil in your already made plans, goals and hopes for the new year.

Choosing your diary can be tricky business, it will be your planning partner for the whole year but it’s what you do with your diary that really counts. Read on for 7 different ways you can use a diary to make the most out of each day…

7 different ways to use a diary

martha brook blog post 7 different ways to use a diary martha brook personalised future 2024 diary

Jot down big life events

When you use a diary everyday it’s easy to forget to write down the life events that have happened as a lovely reminder. Perhaps you’ve won an award you weren’t expecting, have passed an exam or your niece or nephew was born. Jotting down big life events on the day they happened make a lovely reminder when you look back on the year, and it’s a great way to remember certain anniversaries and to create new goals for the following year too.

Make note of how you’re feeling

martha brook blog post 7 different ways to use a diary drawing a smiley face

Keeping a daily note of your emotions is an incredibly cathartic task. It can be as simple as a little smiley face drawing in the top corner of each day to acknowledge and accept your feelings each day, or a sentence on how you’re feeling. This is a great way to approach your feelings and to express your emotions on paper to help you process your emotions.

Use photos or drawings

Next up on our 7 different ways to use a diary is by sticking in mementoes, photos or do little drawings to unleash your creativity. We whole-heartedly believe a diary should be a creative, inspiring space to help you live your life with greater intention. Why not view your diary as a future gift to yourself. What would make you smile looking back?

Create to-do lists

martha brook blog post 7 different ways to use a diary a person writing in a diary to do list

One of our favourite ways to use a diary is by using a day-per-page format as a to-do list for each day of the week. Having a whole day per page means you can write down all of your priorities for the day, jot down the time you need to complete that task by and tick it off once done. This is a great way to stay organised, to feel that satisfaction of seeing a fully ticked off list (it doesn’t happen always!) and to take control over your day. You got this!

Keep a gratitude tracker

martha brook blog post 7 different ways to use a diary grateful gratitude journal

No matter which format of diary, leaving a little space to write down just three things you are grateful for each day is another brilliant way to use a diary. It starts off the day focussing on the positive and will help you tune into the little things we can often take for granted. Not only does this start the day off on the right foot, keeping a gratitude tracker can lower stress and encourage better sleep.

If you’re looking for a dedicated gratitude journal, discover our very own here!

Keep track of the weather

What the weather is doing outside can have a big impact on some of us, so why not get creative and draw a little sunshine when it’s glorious outside or a cloud with rain drops when it’s a little wetter in the corner of your diary. This type of entry will not only make your diary look pretty, but it can also encourage positive thoughts around the things you’re feeling grateful for. For example, sunny weather might make you feel grateful for the sun on your face, or the rain might make you feel grateful for a cosy cup of tea indoors…and the need to not water the plants!

Write down a quote for the day

martha brook blog post 7 different ways to use a diary quote page

Last up on our list of different ways to use a diary is to jot down a quote to lead the day. Positive and inspiring quotes can create feelings of optimism and determination, helping you to harness the power of positive words to achieve anything you want. Finding quotes to match your mood of each day can take a little bit of time, but is worth the work as you can keep coming back to that quote throughout the day as of when you need a little encouragement.

We hope you have enjoy these 7 different ways to use a diary and are feeling inspired to use your diary in a different way for 2024!

P.S. Our 2024 diaries are here! From softback to hardback, make sure to get ahead and organised for 2024 with a personalised 2024 diary…

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9 months ago

This is lovely

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