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Behind the lockers Becca + Jess from Mustard
Guest Interviews

Behind the lockers: Becca + Jess from Mustard

Published 4 years ago. Estimated reading time: 7 minutes.

Jun 24

This year we’ve totally fallen in love with locker brand Mustard. They’re the lockers everyone is talking about, and you also may have spotted their blush ‘Lowdown’ locker in Martha’s home office makeover. So, it comes as no surprise that it’s a total dream for us to get the chance to peek behind the lockers and chat to founders Becca and Jess. We catch up on all things Mustard, where they get their inspiration and what motivates them the most. 

Sisters first, founders later

We’re delighted to introduce Becca and Jess, the sisters and founders behind the beautiful locker brand Mustard. After dreaming of launching a business together, they came to the idea of creating the locker brand whilst out on a beach walk just 4 years ago. From that very day, they put pen to paper, heads together, and got to work. Within one year, a dream became a reality, and they launched the loveliest of locker brands… Mustard. 

Behind the lockers: Becca + Jess from Mustard

Making working together work

We’re always fascinated by other people’s workspaces and what they have on their desks that inspire, motivate, and uplift them daily. But before we get right into Becca and Jess’s workspaces, we thought we’d find out a little bit more about the specifics of their roles at Mustard and a little look into their day-to-day. 

Both Jess and Becca begin their day with a facetime call – or end their day depending on which one you ask! Jess lives right here in the heart of London and Becca, literally on the other side of the world in sunny Australia. On their daily call, they get down to chatting all things Mustard, what each other’s to-do lists are looking like, what they need from each other. It’s usually the evening over in Newcastle, Australia, so they also catch up with Becca’s three boys and fluffy cat! 

Both focus on entirely separate parts of the business, with Jess on operations, stock management and shipping and Becca on branding, design projects and marketing. Despite a whopping 10-hour time difference, they work seamlessly together to produce new lockers that we’re constantly, and we mean cons-tant-ly, lusting after. We know…Is there nothing these girls can’t do?! 

What motivates them?

A question we were keen to ask was what motivates and inspires these women the most. We know it can be a tricky one to answer, especially as we asked for just their top three things, but both Becca and Jess responded straight away, with each other being their first top motivator. Not only are they sisters, they’re best friends, with Becca stating Jess is her biggest fan, and she’s also hers.

Another on Becca’s list is gratitude, never taking the good things for granted and how their supply chain benefits from each win for the business, which you can read more about here. When we asked Jess what her two other motivators are, she said passion as like Jess she really loves what they do and for the third…boy, did we laugh! Jess’s third motivator is food, with a special shout-out to chicken nuggets! Hear, hear.

Where do they get their inspiration?

Becca’s style is eclectic, earthy and vintage. In contrast, Jess says her design crush is Sarah Sherman Samuel, an American designer known for her modern spaces and refined aesthetic. Bringing those different vibes together, these sisters realised there was a need for storage that is as stylish, practical and playful. Becca admits she’s drawn to greens and things with a story, whereas Jess favours light, airy spaces and soft white walls mixed with bold statement colours… and you’ll definitely be able to spot this if you follow along with Mustard on Instagram

What’s on their desks?

We don’t need to tell you that we’re ever so slightly obsessed with stationery and desks! So when we got the chance to chat with Becca and Jess, the one question we had to ask was, “what are the things on your desk that you cannot live without?”! Both said pretty much the same thing, and we 100% relate; water, a good pen and… a Martha Brook desk pad! Becca prefers the Lots of Lists desk pad because she needs a ‘to do list’ by her side, and Jess (below) opted for the New Goals Weekly Planner Desk Pad because she’s all about the scribbles!

Photo by Amy Heycock

Their tips on an inspiring workspace

But it’s not always just about the desk specifically. Your office or work area on the whole is what brings it together to create an inspiring area that helps you to feel calm and collected whilst working. We believe what’s around your desk or workspace should inspire and uplift, even on the toughest of days. We might be biased, but we think our art prints do exactly that, bring a little calm to what sometimes might feel like chaos, as spotted in Jess’s office (below). 

Photo by Amy Heycock

We asked Becca and Jess what tips they might give someone else to create an uplifting workspace. Natural light, a tidy desk and a snack nearby were Jess’s top tips. Great minds must think alike, as Becca also recommended keeping it simple and having a clutter-free workstation. She loves keeping her desk clear and making sure everything has a place to put away, which is where her Mustard locker comes in handy.

Their office essential?

It will come as no surprise that they both said their favourite thing in their workspaces was their lockers! Jess loves her Shorty, which is where she keeps all her important notes, cute notes that Becca sends her in the post and special memories from the past three years of Mustard, like a newspaper clipping from the time they were in The Sunday Times.

We personally can’t believe how much they have achieved in three years! Let us know in the comments below if you have a Mustard locker and which is your favourite. We hope you’ve enjoyed this exclusive peek into Jess and Becca’s workspaces, what inspires them and a bit of their roles at one of our favourite brands.

P.S. Want to win your very own Mustard Lowdown locker and an epic stationery bundle for you and a friend? Enter our incredible competition here!  

P.P.S. Head over to Mustard’s blog where you can read more about what you can find in Martha’s own locker.

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