how to make the most out of 2022 blog post martha brook

7 easy things you can do now to make the most out of 2022

Published 3 years ago. Estimated reading time: 5 minutes.

Jan 18

Want to make the most out of 2022? After the last couple of years, we don’t blame you! As we get settled back into work and our daily routine, we’ve been thinking about lots of different ways we can make the most out of this year without feeling overwhelmed and under pressure. So, scrap the scary new year resolutions and try these easy, simple steps!

1. Set yourself goals

It’s time to put pen to paper and try setting yourself some reasonable goals so you know where you’re going this year. Bear in mind what you’d like to achieve and break that down into bitesize chunks to help you on your way. Creating a timeline can be really helpful so you can refer back to your goals and keep yourself on track. If you’re not sure where to start, or really want to make sure those goals happen, our founder Martha is hosting a brilliant 2022 Goal Setting and Planning Workshop in a couple of weeks. Book yourself a ticket here.

2. Plan your holiday days

There’s nothing more exciting than planning a holiday, especially after the last two years! No matter if you’re planning a staycation or are looking for a beachy break, note down potential holiday days and dates where you’ll need time off to make the most out of 2022.

Don’t forget we have the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this year with the 2nd and 3rd June both being bank holidays. Did someone say 4 day weekend?! Why not book the rest of the week off and you can maximise those bank holiday dates? In fact, if you are really clever this year you can turn just 18 days of annual leave into 45 days off work! Yes, you heard that right. Read how to here.

make the most out of 2022 holiday

3. Healthy habits

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it’s the smallest things that can make the biggest difference to your day? Little habits that you can get stuck into that over time can make you feel great or really not?! So we thought we’d bring together some little things that over time become BIG things that genuinely have the power to transform your year. Check out our little infographic below and let us know which one(s) you are going to try out to make the most out of 2022.

make the most out of 2022 martha brook blog post

4. Make a word for the year

If we told you just one word could change your life for the better, would you give it a go? We came across this technique in the book One Word To Change Your Life by Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, and Jon Gordon, where instead of a new year resolution, you pick one word to represent your entire year. It can be any word you like that you can refer back upon to help you make the most out of 2022. Here are some that are team have selected to help inspire: growth, open, make.

Each year you choose a new word. Give it a go and let us know what you think in the comments!

5. Challenge yourself

Make the most out of 2022 by challenging yourself. No matter if it’s a hobby you want to try to take up, a race you want to run or something you want to get better at, having something to work towards can give you a renewed sense of purpose. If that thing for you in 2022 is to grow your own Instagram, why not join our Instagram growth masterclass, hosted by Martha! Want to know more? Check it out here.

make the most out of 2022 martha brook blog post instagram workshop

6. Do what makes you happy

Make yourself a priority and focus on the things that truly make you happy. Whether that’s spending time nestled up reading, going for a walk on your lunch break or spending time with those you love, make sure you find time for more of it this year! We only get one shot, and life is too short not be doing things that set your soul on fire!

make the most out of 2022 martha brook blog post go for a walk

7. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Sometimes we really can beat ourselves up, so try to remember to not be too hard on yourself. The start to the year can feel so overwhelming and exhausting. Try to take things slow, at your own pace and try to avoid any unnecessary pressure. Remember, every day is a new day!

We hope these 7 things you can do now to make the most out of 2022 has helped inspire and empower you for the year ahead. Are there any you’ll be trying this year? Let us know in the comments!

P.S. If you want to get inspired and organised for 2022, don’t miss our big January stationery sale with up to 20% off everything!

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