martha brook blog post what are morning pages
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What are Morning Pages and how can they can change your life

Published 3 years ago. Estimated reading time: 4 minutes.

Jan 13

Hello 2022! New year = new me stationery and we couldn’t be more excited. We find the beginning of January to be one of the best times to get your ducks in a row and get yourself set for the year ahead. Start as you mean to go on and all that jazz. It’s even a great time to try something new or start better routines, and for some of us that is Morning Pages. We must admit we’d not heard of Morning Pages until the end of last year and we realised quite a few of you hadn’t either so we thought we’d hop on to tell you a bit more about what are Morning Pages, where it came from and how you can get started!

What are Morning Pages?

Morning Pages is a journaling technique where you write three full pages of absolutely anything first thing in the morning by hand. Sounds almost too simple, right?! The aim is for your writing to be a stream of consciousness where you’re putting anything and everything on your mind straight down onto paper once you’ve woken up. And do this again the day after. And the day after that!

martha brook blog post what are morning pages

Where did Morning Pages come from?

Morning Pages is a concept derived from Julia Cameron’s best-selling book ‘The Artist’s Way’. Not just for artists, it’s a book that helps guide those looking to tap further into their creativity by way of different assignments and strategies… one of those strategies being Morning Pages!

What do I write about?

A lot of people believe that with Morning Pages, you need to write about things that are insightful or revolutionary, but this is not the case. The best way to approach this type of journaling is as if it’s a deep clean of your consciousness before your day starts. A purging of distracting thoughts. Do you need to renew your car tax today? Did you forget to pick up the vegetables for your dinner yesterday? Write exactly what is on your mind, no matter what it is, or what mood you are in.

martha brook blog post what are morning pages

How does it help?

Repeated day after day, this journaling technique is meant to benefit your creativity and remove those thoughts that lead to endless procrastination. You can also find that you start to write down things in your head, you can suddenly gain clarity on goals or things that are important to you to allow you to make better decisions and achieve more.

We’ve heard that it’s quite tough to fill three pages of paper with a longhand stream of consciousness, especially once you’ve first started but get yourself through the first couple of weeks and as Morning Pages become a part of your routine, that’s when people start to feel more in tune with their creativity and more proactive. The key is to try it for a whole month and see what happens.

Oh and we almost forgot to mention, no one else can read it! This is private and for your eyes only, so there’s no fear of holding back what you truly want to say.

Want to try it?

Absolutely all you need to get started is a notebook dedicated just to your Morning Pages and a pen. No, you can’t type, the writing is part of the process! If you want to treat yourself to a new one from us and give this a go, check out our personalised notebooks here.

Tempted? We certainly have are! Let us know if Morning Pages have been a part of your daily routine or if this is something you’ll be trying this year in the comments.

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled on our blog homepage for our next blog post on Morning Pages, some members of our team are going to give it a go and report back the results – it should be interesting!

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3 years ago

I have read that some authors use this technique to write novels. I will join in for the next month and report back.

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