martha brook blog post a review of happy place by emily henry her books on a bed with a blanket and a martha brook book journal
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A review of Happy Place by Emily Henry

Published 2 years ago. Estimated reading time: 4 minutes.

Feb 16

Let’s face it, we all love love. There’s a pretty good reason most of the books that hold a regular spot on the bestsellers lists are romance novels, and there’s one author who we just can’t seem to get off of our lips…Emily Henry. Everyone is looking for a first review of Happy Place, her next novel and we are the first people to get our hands on it! Read on for what we thought and an exciting competition…

martha brook blog post a review of happy place by emily henry all of her previous books on a bed with a blanket and a martha brook book journal

From Beach Read to You and Me On Vacation to Book Lovers, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t devour each of her books. We’d also be lying through our teeth if we said we didn’t quite literally fall off our seats when we got the opportunity to read Emily Henry’s Happy Place, her brand-new romcom coming out in April this year, before anybody else!

We were over the moon to have received a couple of proof copies just before Christmas so we could give you an exclusive review of Happy Place to get you excited for its release. But this is not just a review of Happy Place, we are also running an exciting competition where you can get your hands on your very own limited-edition proof copy of Happy Place before April. Could it get better?!

For proof for of just how anticipated this book is, see what everyone else is saying in their review of Happy Place before it is even out on Goodreads here – some of the reviews are hilarious!

martha brook blog post a review of Happy Place by Emily Henry a girl holding a copy of Happy Place

Our review of Happy Place

A fourth Emily Henry romcom is truly what everybody asked for, and we’re thanking our lucky stars our prayers were answered. Emily Henry’s Happy Place is being released on April 25th and if this slogan on the cover doesn’t make you want to immediately pre-order, we don’t know what will?!

“Two exes. One pact. Could this holiday change everything?”

To jump into our review of Happy Place, Emily Henry’s new book is a tale of two exes who must make it through a holiday whilst pretending to still be engaged for the sake of their friendship group. Sharing the same room, not to mention the same bed, we see Hattie & Wyn work through their recent and not-so-recent troubles whilst navigating how to mentally and (very) physically reassure their friends they’re as normal as ever.

With troves of characters you can’t help but love, Emily Henry is the master at creating real banter between friends. In this book more than any of her others, the friendships are as much the story as the rom-com and we loved how authentic they felt. Her characters have so much substance and the situations are so enthralling you don’t notice anything happening around you, other than the words on the page.  We adored Happy Place, and sorry not sorry Emily Henry, we are already ready for whatever you do next!

As we don’t want to give too much away before its release date, we’re going to stop our review of Happy Place there! We’re pretty sure you’re as excited about Happy Place as we were, and if you simply can’t wait until April, we’ve teamed up with Emily Henry herself to giveaway some proof copies…

martha brook blog post a review of happy place by emily henry

Hands up if you’re as obsessed with Emily Henry’s books as we are?! We’ve got five limited-edition proof copies in paperback (yes, paperback!) to giveaway, along with five of our best-selling book journals!  Want to be one of our lucky winners? All you have to do is head over to our Instagram @marthabrookldn or @emilyhenrywrites to find out how to enter!

P.S. In a reading slump? We feel you! Our Founder and CEO, Martha, wrote a blog post, which you can read here, on how she fell back in love with reading again.

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