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8 reasons you need a Christmas planner

Published 5 months ago. Estimated reading time: 5 minutes.

Sep 3

Ah the most wonderful time of the year! But why does it always come with a sprinkle of stress?! With so much to organise, from Christmas Day lunch, to remembering everyone on your Christmas gift list, it’s no wonder the festive period can leave us all feeling a little bah humbug. That’s where a Christmas planner comes in! Forget the stress of Christmases past and read on to find out 8 reasons you need a Christmas planner in your life…

martha brook blog post 8 reasons why you need a christmas planner

8 reasons you need a Christmas planner

1. You’ll never overcook the turkey again

Most of us can agree that a Christmas feast is one of the things we most look forward to on Christmas day… that is, everyone apart from the person doing the cooking! For whoever will be in charge of the cooking, basting and peeling on Christmas day, we’ve got you covered. With a timing schedule so you can write in what needs to go on and when our Christmas planner is your helper so you can get Christmas day food down to a fine art.

2. Say goodbye to forgotten gifts

Whoops! There’s so much to think about at Christmas that it’s no surprise that every now and then, someone slips through the net. With a Christmas planner, there’s plenty of room to write down who you’re buying for and all your gift ideas so you can remember when inspiration strikes! For those who love ticking stuff off, there are also boxes for when you’ve bought their gift, wrapped it and sent it if it’s being slipped under a different tree. Satisfying!

martha brook blog post 8 reasons why you need a christmas planner

3. Your finances, under control

Next up on our reasons you need a Christmas planner is budgeting. Christmas day can be expensive! With gifts, cards, decorations, food, and drink to consider, it’s well worth keeping track of the pennies so the pounds can look after themselves. With budget spreads to help you keep track of what you’d like to spend and priorities, these help you prepare for the cost of Christmas in a way that is calm and organised!

4. This Christmas planner isn’t just for this Christmas

Once the new year arrives and you’ve reflected on the Christmas that has passed, you can store this planner somewhere safe and sound, ready to be opened up for the Christmas to come. Inside this planner is pages to help you plan not one, but two Christmases so you can look back and remember what you did well last year, and any notes to take forward for Christmases in the future.

martha brook blog post 8 reasons why you need a christmas planner

5. The most organised Christmas card list yet

Say goodbye to scraps of paper and messy address books! Inside the planner, you’ll find double-page spreads so you can store all the information in one pretty place about those who are lucky enough to be on your Christmas card list. A tip: use a pencil to write out the names and addresses, if someone moves house, you can easily amend to the correct address so you can continue to add to and amend this list as the year goes on. You can also find the last posting dates for this Christmas here.

6. Your family traditions, in one place

Christmas is a time for traditions. Whether that’s matching Christmas pyjamas on Christmas Eve, watching Home Alone together or putting milk, carrots and cookies out, keep track of those traditions and things to do inside the Christmas planner. With space to glue down mementoes or little stickers, you can get creative with your Christmas traditions to remind yourself of those heart-warming, comforting activities you come back to year after year.

7. Inspire your Christmas décor, inside and out

Deck the halls! Whether you have a festive colour theme each year or you like every nook and cranny to look like a winter wonderland, inside the planner, you can map out your ideas for décor. With space to glue down image inspiration or draw to your heart’s desire, this planner will help bring your Christmas decorations visions to life.

martha brook blog post 8 reasons why you need a christmas planner

8. …and It’ll be your most organised and joyful Christmas yet!

Filled with everything you could possibly need to plan your next two Christmases to come, this Christmas planner will help you have a very merry Christmas indeed. Cheers!

We hope you’ve enjoyed these 8 reasons you need a Christmas planner! We can think of plenty more reasons Christmas planners are the new Santa’s little helper. If you use a Christmas planner and can think of any other reasons you love yours, please do share in the comments section below.

P.S. The Christmas Planner is available to buy now, so even the most organised can get started with their Christmas planning!

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