Take Note
P.S. Welcome to our new blog!
Apr 11Welcome to the brand-new Martha Brook blog, P.S., home to weekly uplifting and inspiring reads. We’re beyond delighted to have you here! We’ve had a little makeover and we’ve got lots in store for this exciting adventure.
Why P.S.?
P.S. is the written abbreviation of postscript, which is used in writing to add a little something extra at the end. As we’re a stationery company and wholeheartedly believe in the power of writing things down, and this new blog will be home to all the extra stuff you won’t find elsewhere on our website, it felt perfect!

What you can expect
Because it’s the best day of the week, we’ve decided we’ll publish a brand-new article every Friday! From how-to guides, to features, stuff we care about, beautiful desks and so much more, we hope this will be a place for you to source inspiration and leave feeling excited and empowered.
Our very first blog post
Start with a bang as they say! Our first official blog post, already published and available to read here, is one we’ve been very excited to share. Some of you reading who follow us on Instagram will have already seen some sneak-peaks on our stories of that pink door… it’s Martha’s Home Office Makeover! Read more to take the tour and see how our founder made her workspace one that sparks the imagination every day.

Let us know
Pop us a comment under the blog post if you’ve enjoyed reading the post and any ideas you have. And if you’ve taken any inspiration from any of our articles, please do tag us on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest – we’d love to see your creations, thoughts and ideas!
P.S. Look out for a little P.S. at the end of every article!
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