About us, Behind the scenes, Latest News
Now we are 1 year old, we're growing
Nov 4Meet our new team… Firstly our two new Production Assistants. This is Lee:
She hails all the way from California (ooooh), likes cheese (it’s mo better with feta, apparently) and is fascinated with our British weather. We think she’s going to fit in just fine.
This is Isobel:
She’s the only person we’ve ever met with a triple-barrelled surname (yes, actually) and is possibly smaller than our new mail sacks, which may explain her shoe obsession.
Oh, and we also have another rather heavy, but very important team member who was particularly tricky to get into Paint HQ, this is Bessie:
We’ve also been doing lots of team Christmas planning, which has meant drinking lots of tea (obviously) and preparing for the next couple of months. Christmas, I think we’re nearly ready for you…
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