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Love Note Day 2015

Published 9 years ago. Estimated reading time: 3 minutes.

Sep 26


Apparently this Saturday 26 September is officially Love Note Day. The day that celebrates picking up a pen and writing a good old fashioned note to someone you love.
Ask yourself; when was the last time you put pen to paper and wrote down how you felt about someone? In today’s digital society, we send a text (often filled with emojis!) and that’s often it.
Write It Down
I’ve been thinking this morning about one of my favourite films ‘The Notebook’ when Noah (Ryan Gosling) writes Allie (Rachel McAdams) every single day for a year, but they get intercepted by her mother and don’t reach her. The best moment in the film is where, seven years later, she goes to see him… and, well I won’t spoil it if you haven’t seen it! That pile of old letters Allie eventually gets from her mother you just don’t see anymore. Isn’t that sad?
I can guarantee if someone wrote to a letter to you now, a letter filled with thought and emotion, you would keep it and treasure it. That is why we shouldn’t lose the art of writing it down. Nothing beats the personal nature of something handwritten, it somehow means more. It lasts longer. It matters.
So, I challenge you today to write a short note, it doesn’t need to be long, to someone you love.
Some Top Tips To Get You Started
1. Firstly, I find a pretty bit of paper or a card helps and a good pen (seriously it does!)
2. Go somewhere quiet by yourself where you feel comfortable and can really think
3. Think about the person you are writing to and what you love about them. What are some of your favourite memories with them? What have they done that has made you feel special? Be honest… what haven’t you said in a while that you would like to say?
4. Leave it somewhere they will find it, or post it to them… And bask in the lovely warm glow inside of yourself!
Product Inspiration
If you still need some inspiration, here are three of my favourite ‘love note’ products to help you out:
Personalised Love Notes – our original ‘reasons why I love you’ bestseller. Capture 10 or 20 reasons why you love someone, and our product description is packed with ideas to get you started! See here.


Personalised ‘Open Me When’ Love Messages – It’s not always easy to tell someone how much you care at the right time. Well this box of ‘Open Me When’ Love Messages changes everything! The love notes are contained in little envelopes that tell the recipient exactly when to open them – a romantic gift that keeps on giving! You can find them here on


Favourite Memories Box – capture both written love notes and photos in this delightful nostalgic gift. See here.


I hope this inspires you, and happy love note writing!

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