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Home Business Summit (and the Prime Minister, again)

Published 10 years ago. Estimated reading time: 1 minute.

Aug 17

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Did you know that 70 per cent of new businesses that started last year in the UK were started from home? In fact, there are now 2.9 million home-based businesses in the UK contributing a staggering £300bn annually to the economy. We are proud at Love Give Ink to be part of this growing trend. For me, starting up from our home meant being able to get off the ground quickly and invest more in equipment and stock than we’d otherwise have been able to. In this first year, it has also been very useful as I’ve often had to work round the clock in the run up to big gifting occasions.

However, the rules and regulations about starting a business from home have been pretty confusing (and in some cases restrictive), so I was delighted that on Friday the government announced new measures to make it a lot easier for people thinking of starting a home business. This coincided with Enterprise Nation holding the first ever Home Business Summit at Somerset House, which I was asked to be on the panel for, along with the lovely Esther Gibbs from London Mummy and Lucy from Claudi & Fin. To demonstrate the government’s commitment, both the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Energy Matt Hancock and amazingly but the Prime Minister David Cameron himself turned up to speak! Wow! Well, I’ll probably never again be able to say I spoke at the same event as the PM…

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